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Special Programs

Below contains a brief description of each special program offered by B.F. Kitchen

ELD English Language Development

English Language Development is a program for students who speak another language in their home. Students are assessed, and if recommended for the program, attend class to gain English acquisition in grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students attend classes for 30, 45, or 90 minutes, according to their proficiency. When students reach grade-level proficiency, they return to their mainstream classrooms. 

 Enrichment (Gifted & Talented)

Any students needing an extra challenge and/or more in-depth instruction are provided enrichment learning opportunities through the Gifted and Talented (GT) teacher in addition to the regular classroom teacher’s differentiated instruction.  Additionally, all formally identified GT students are placed on an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) with individual learning goals crafted in collaboration with the student and their families.  Other opportunities for enrichment may include the District Spelling Bee, Odyssey of the Mind, and Robotics Team depending on student interest and activity sponsor availability.

Health and Wellness Programs

B. F. Kitchen is committed to the health and well-being of each and every student.  A variety of health and wellness activities are offered to encourage healthy lifestyles.  The programs include an annual student led 9Health Fair, Healthy Hearts Club, Healthy Kids Club, BMI Screening, Jump Rope for Heart, 4th grade swimming lessons, the Tiger Trample Fundraiser, Fine Arts and Fitness Nights, and weekly Health Education lessons in each classroom.   

Exceptional Student Services

Special Education services are available at B.F. Kitchen Elementary School to students who have identified disabilities. Disabilities are determined through an extensive and thorough assessment process which looks at all aspects of the child’s functioning including, educational, social/emotional, physical, communication and cognitive. At B.F. Kitchen, we have 3 ways that a student can receive services under the umbrella of special education. The Resource program, Speech/Language program, Occupational Therapy program, and the School Psychologist work closely together to facilitate all aspects of the Special Education Services Department. 

Learning Center

The Resource program works with students with learning, emotional, speech/language and physical disabilities to help them to succeed academically. Students in the Resource program work on reading, writing, oral language and math skills by learning strategies to strengthen their learning and facilitate access of the curriculum.


The Speech/Language program works with students primarily with speech and/or language disabilities that are interfering with the child’s ability to work up to his/her potential in the classroom. This interference could be based from articulation difficulties that are not age appropriate, and/or from difficulties with understanding, and/or fine and gross motor skills that are an area of deficit, which in turn causes significant academic impact.